Standardized transactions between trade partners (known as Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI) are the most efficient method of automating B2B communication and document-sharing, especially for bulk amounts of transactions. In fact, between 60-86% of businesses in the trade sector now implement some form of EDI to varying degrees.
But while EDI offers a certain level of security, there are more options for protecting sensitive documents.
At CINTAP, we’re determined to give users a high-quality integration experience. With the recent addition of AS2 capabilities on CINTAP Cloud, we’re sharing our ultimate guide to AS2 and EDI right here:
What is AS2?
The most widely-used framework for secure EDI exchange is AS2 (Applicability Statement 2). This HTTP-based protocol is the top choice for industries that require high levels of security and reliability, such as retail, manufacturing, and logistics.
Looking to protect sensitive information? AS2 is a strong solution.
Using HTTP and HTTPS, AS2 provides a framework for sending EDI documents (and other business data) securely between trading partners. AS2 also employs encryption and digital signatures to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the data being exchanged. Additionally, it uses Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs) to confirm receipt of messages, offering an extra layer of reliability.
And, by leveraging these security features, AS2 helps businesses maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations.
How does AS2 integrate with EDI?
AS2 enhances EDI’s functionality by providing a secure and efficient system for document sharing. This system works like this:
- When an EDI document is sent via AS2, it is first encrypted and digitally signed to protect its contents.
- The document is then transmitted over the internet using HTTP or HTPPS.
- Upon receipt, the recipient’s system decrypts and verifies the document before sending an MDN back to the sender, confirming successful delivery.
Companies use AS2 to verify that the document has been securely transmitted and received. But that isn’t the only advantage AS2 brings to the table.
What are the benefits of using AS2 for EDI?
Security is the top concern for businesses exchanging sensitive information. AS2 uses advanced encryption methods to protect data during transmission:
Digital signatures verify the sender’s identity and ensure that the data has not been tampered with. And HTTPS adds another layer of security by encrypting the data while it is in transit.
Traditional methods of EDI transmission, such as Value-Added Networks (VANs), can be expensive due to their reliance on proprietary networks and subscription fees.
AS2, however, leverages the internet for data transmission, eliminating the need for costly VAN services.
Reliability and Compliance:
AS2’s use of Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs) confirms that every document sent is received and acknowledged by the recipient.
Furthermore, AS2 meets a variety of industry standards and regulatory requirements, making it a trusted choice for businesses that need to comply with legal and industry-specific regulations.
Real-Time Data Exchange:
AS2 supports real-time or near-real-time data exchange, which is crucial for businesses that need to respond quickly to changing market conditions.
Sharing information in real time with partners improves overall efficiency and boosts customer satisfaction- especially for logistics and supply chain management companies.
CINTAP Cloud and AS2
Previously, CINTAP Cloud users were offered FTP and SFTP connections through AIR Vault (available on Marketplace).
Now we’ve have expanded our connectivity options to include AS2 protocol via both HTTP and HTTPS.
Upon opening AIR Vault, users can now manage three types of connections: FTP, SFTP, and AS2.
This update reflects CINTAP’s commitment to offering advanced connectivity options that ensure secure and reliable B2B communication; while continuing to meet industry standards for EDI.
CINTAP’s Engineering Group (CEG) makes it easy for users to employ AS2 connections. Our team of experts provides a quick setup and configuration, so you can start exchanging documents securely between partners without delay.
In addition to AS2, users still have the options of FTP and SFTP connections. CINTAP Cloud’s flexibility means you choose the protocol that best suits your business needs.
Beyond these capabilities now available on AIR Vault, there are even more opportunities to enhance B2B integration on CINTAP Cloud. AIR Apps (all available on Marketplace within CINTAP Cloud) are designed to boost your integration experience, including data exchange, advanced reporting, automation, and more. By exploring the entire AIR Apps suite, CINTAP Cloud users can unlock new efficiencies and improve business processes.
Next steps for CINTAP Cloud users:
We are excited about the possibilities this new AS2 feature opens up to users as they navigate B2B communication and integration experiences on CINTAP Cloud.
To learn more about how to take advantage of AS2, and all the capabilities within the platform, reach out to our support team or CEG. We’re on standby to simplify your integration solutions!
Author – Carissa Getscher